MATH 108 Intermediate Algebra

MATH 108 Intermediate Algebra - 3 credits

Review of algebra including factoring, rational expressions, exponents, radicals, quadratic equations, equations of lines. UI students: carries no credit after Math 137 [Algebra with Applications] or 143 [Pre-calculus Algebra and Analytic Geometry]. Does not satisfy general education requirement.

15 graded assignments, 5 self-study practice exams, 5 proctored exams
May submit up to three assignments at a time, six per week.
Requires in-person proctoring.

Credits earned for this course are included in a University of Idaho transcript and are calculated into the official institutional grade-point average (GPA).

Polya math tutors are not available for Independent Study in Idaho courses.

Transaction options include EITHER
  1) Registration (registering for a new course):
   $160 per credit and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.
  2) Extension (extending your current course):
   $80 per course and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.

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