PSYC 410 Sports Psychology

PSYC 410 Sports Psychology - 3 credits

Application of the principles and methodologies of psychology to athletics. Topics include individual philosophies of sport, motivation, personality of coaches and athletes, recreational sports for children, psychological testing, training and learning principles, mind/body relationships, and the effects of anxiety, arousal, and relaxation on performance and current research in the field.

Prerequisite: Psyc 101 or Psyc 205 [Developmental Psychology], or permission of instructor. LCSC students: cross-listed with KIN 410 [Sports Psychology].

10 graded assignments, 2 graded projects, 3 graded exams
May submit up to three assignments at a time, six per week

Credits earned for this course are included in a Lewis-Clark State College transcript.

Transaction options include EITHER
  1) Registration (registering for a new course):
   $160 per credit and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.
  2) Extension (extending your current course):
   $80 per course and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.

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