LibS 427 Teacher Librarian Practicum

LibS 427 Teacher Librarian Practicum - 3 credits

Practice experience as a teacher-librarian under professional supervision for the purpose of obtaining an endorsement. Ninety hours of supervised experience per credit.

Prerequisite: 15 credits of Library Science courses; and Departmental and Site Permission
Prerequisite or corequisite: LibS 425/525

You will be choosing a library setting that the course instructor must approve, in which you can plan, implement and assess a project (instructional, programmatic, or collection) over several weeks during the school year, totaling 270 hours (with 10% or 27 hours allowed for the writing, journaling and reporting).

Nine graded assignments, no exams
May submit up to one assignment per week

Credits earned for this course are included in a University of Idaho transcript and are calculated into the official institutional grade-point average (GPA).

Transaction options include EITHER
  1) Registration (registering for a new course):
   $160 per credit and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.
  2) Extension (extending your current course):
   $80 per course and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.

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