Math 144 Analytic Trigonometry

Math 144 Analytic Trigonometry- 1 credit

Trigonometric functions, inverse functions, applications.

Prerequisite: Sufficient score on SAT, ACT, or math placement test. Student may qualify by enrolling concurrently in Math 143 or Math 170.
Required test scores can be found at

Required: Internet access, Recommended: headphones

UI Students: Not open for credit to students who have previous high school or college credit in trigonometry. Polya Math Center unavailable for ISI students.

16 graded assignments, 3 proctored exams
Students may submit up to one unit at a time/one unit per week. Requires in-person proctoring. Exams are sent to the proctor one-at-a-time once appropriate lessons have been graded.

Transaction options include EITHER
  1) Registration (registering for a new course):
   $160 per credit and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.
  2) Extension (extending your current course):
   $80 per course and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.

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