PSYC 385 Research Methods

PSYC 385 Research Methods - 3 credits

Develops students' ability to design an empirical study within the ethical constraints of human research and to understand the results of research in professional journals. Specific research designs covered include archival research, experimental designs, naturalistic observation, participant observation, quasi-experimental designs, single subject designs, and survey research. Integrates (1) analytical and evaluative thinking, (2) descriptive, explanatory, and critical writing, and (3) basic knowledge of the theory and application of qualitative and quantitative research design.
Prerequisites: PSYC-101 (Introduction to Psychology) or PSYC-205 (Developmental Psychology) or permission of instructor.

12 graded assignments, 4 proctored exams;
Requires in person proctoring. May submit all assignments related to an exam in one week; then wait for feedback and grade before submitting assignments related to the next exam

Students may submit 3 assignments per week; however, assignments and exams must be submitted consecutively, in the order outlined in the course. Wait to receive a grade on the previous exam before submitting subsequent assignments.

Credits earned for this course are included in a Lewis-Clark State College transcript.

Transaction options include EITHER
  1) Registration (registering for a new course):
   $160 per credit and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.
  2) Extension (extending your current course):
   $80 per course and $30 non-refundable administrative fee per course.

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