Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest

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The comprehensive resource for anyone who manages livestock on pastures in the Northwest, this 214- page book offers pasture managers information and tools to enable their pastures and their livestock to reach their maximum production potentials. Seventeen chapters proceed from planning to budgeting. Black and white with color plates.

Authors: Glenn E. Shewmaker, Mylen G. Bohle

214 pages

Winner of the 2010 American Society for Agronomy Certificate of Excellence.

Book highlights:
  • A step-by-step process for assessing resources and setting goals for your pastures
  • Recommendations for forage species
  • Step-by-step procedures for choosing the optimal stocking rate, stock density, grazing cell design, and irrigation system for your situation.
  • Seeding, fertilization, and irrigation guidelines for maximizing forage production.
  • Descriptions of the most common weeds, pest insects, and diseases in forage and strategies for managing them.
  • Information on plant growth to help you manage grazing to maximize forage production.
  • Insights into animal behavior to help you encourage uniform grazing.
  • Information on animal nutrient requirements, forage quality, and animal health to keep grazing animals healthy and productive.
  • Detailed costs and returns estimates that you can modify for your own pasture enterprise.

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